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his Core Vocabulary Adapted Book, "Bear Says No" is a fun and interactive winter themed book that focuses on the core vocabulary word "no." This download includes: 1 interactive adapted book 1 set of tracing cards... more info
These Letter M Activities, "Hey Riddle Riddle" Sensory Bin Riddles are going to be so much this school year. Each "Hey Riddle Riddle" set focuses on language skills, making inferences, identifying things that start with letter M.. more info
This Summer Count And Draw Adapted Books Bundle focuses on making a ten, and is summer themed This bundle includes 5 books: I Can Make Ten Swimmers I Can Make Ten Surfers I Can Make Ten Campers I Can Make Ten Seashells I Can Make Ten... more info
The "In the Summer" Flip Strips are a seasons themed activity. In this activity, students complete each sentence strip with a picture/word card and read the sentence. In this set, the picture card comes at the beginning of the sentence... more info
This Core Vocabulary Adapted Book, "That's Not Hot" is a fun and interactive book that focuses on the core vocabulary word "not." This set includes: 1 interactive adapted book 1 set of tracing cards (write and wipe) 3 worksheets.. more info
This Social Story Unit, "We Are Kind" teaches students about kind and unkind behaviors. It also teaches appropriate ways to be kind to friends, adults, and classmates. This unit includes: 1 interactive adapted book, 20 task cards for... more info
This Social Story Unit, "We Don't Yell," teaches students that yelling and screaming is not ok. It also teaches strategies that students can use instead of yelling. This unit includes: 1 interactive adapted book, 12 task cards... more info
This Social Story Unit, "We Use Kind Words," teaches students that mean words are not o.k. It also teaches ways to appropriately use kind words. This unit includes: 1 interactive adapted book, 20 task cards for practice and review, and 16.. more info
This PUMPKINS ADAPTED BOOK, "What Can We Do With Pumpkins?" focuses on the core words, "what," and "do," pumpkins themed action words (verbs), pumpkin classroom activities, and making inferences. This adapted.. more info
The Alphabet Super Pack is a super-duper value pack that includes 87 file folder games and two books. There are 78 letter identification, sorting, matching and pre-reading file folder games (3 games for each letter of the alphabet), 9 popcorn or... more info