Clothespin Tasks

The Adding Up Ants Picture Addition Clothespin Task is a beginning addition activity. In this picnic themed task, students complete the addition problem by adding two sets of pictures together. Students clip one clothespin to each card to show... more info
The Adding Up Apples Clothespin Task is a math activity. In this task, students solve a simple addition problem by adding two sets of apples together. Students show their answer by clipping on clothespin per card to indicate their answer. more info
The Adding Up Ornaments Clothespin Task is a Christmas-themed adding activity. In this task, students attach one clothespin per card to indicate their answers to a picture addition problem. file folder games and tasks by File Folder Heaven more info
The Adding Up Pumpkins Clothespin Task is a picture addition clothespin task. In this activity, students use pictures to solve simple addition problems, and indicate their answer by attaching one clothespin per card. more info
The Adding Up Snowflakes Clothespin Task is a winter-themed, beginning addition activity. In this task, students attach one clothespin per card to indicate their answers to snowflake "picture addition" problems. more info
The Apple Letters Clothespin Task is a letter matching activity. In this task students attach one clothespin per card to match uppercase letters to lowercase letters. more info
The Back to School Bees Numbers Clothespin Task is a number matching activity. In this game, students attach one clothespin per card to match the number on the side of the card to the number that the bee is holding. fil e folder games and Autism... more info
The Back to School Ending Sounds Clothespin Task is a back to school themed phonics activity. In this task, students attach one clothespin per card to identify the ending sound of the school themed object. more info
The Baseball Letters Clothespin Task is a letter identification activity. In this task, students clip one clothespin per card to match capital letters to lower letters. All 26 letters of the alphabet are included. more info
The Beachy Letter Match Clothespin Task is a letter matching activity. In this task, students match beach-themed uppercase letters to lowercase letters by attaching one clothespin per car. All twenty six letters of the alphabet are included. more info