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This Insects Adapted Book, "A Beetle Is An Insect," brings insects to life with real photos. It focuses on basic reading skills, identifying insects and the basic characteristics of insects. A teacher or therapist reads the book, as... more info
This Beginning Sounds Adapted Book, "Fish Starts With F" is a fun and interactive book that focuses on things that start with the letter "F." This download includes: 1 interactive adapted book 1 set of trace and write... more info
This Beginning Sounds Adapted Book, "Goat Starts With G" is a fun and interactive book that focuses on things that start with the letter "G." This download includes: 1 interactive adapted book 1 set of trace and write... more info
This Beginning Sounds Adapted Book, "Horse Starts With H" is a fun and interactive book that focuses on things that start with the letter "H." This download includes: 1 interactive adapted book 1 set of trace and write... more info
This Earth Day Adapted Book, "I See Earth Day" (w/Real Photos) focuses on identifying Earth Day themed vocabulary and making inferences. Students identify objects by attribute, feature or function by listening to a clue and looking at real. more info
This Easter Adapted Book, "I See Easter" (w/Real Photos) focuses on identifying Easther themed vocabulary and making inferences. Students identify objects by attribute, feature or function by listening to a clue and looking at real photos.. more info
This Back to School Adapted Book, "I See People At School" (w/Real Photos) focuses on identifying people at school and making inferences. Students identify people by attribute, feature or job description by listening to a clue and... more info
This Community Helpers Adapted Book, "I See People In My Community" (w/Real Photos) focuses on identifying community helpers and making inferences. Students identify people by attribute, feature or job description by listening to a clue... more info
This Spring Adapted Book, "I See Spring" (w/Real Photos) focuses on identifying spring themed vocabulary and making inferences. Students identify objects by attribute, feature or function by listening to a clue and looking at real photos... more info
This Beginning Sounds Adapted Book, "Iguana Starts With I" is a fun and interactive book that focuses on things that start with the letter "I." This download includes: 1 interactive adapted book 1 set of trace and write... more info