This Emotions Tool Kit (w/Real Photos) helps to students begin to identify, understand, and communicate their emotions.
It includes:
1 Set of Interactive Emotions Posters
1 "I Feel" Card for "Cool Down" Area
1 Desk/Work Space "I Feel" Card
1 Portable/Personal "I Feel" Card
1 Extra Set of Non-Interactive Emotions Posters
1 Adapted Book for Teaching Students to Identify Emotions
This is a very flexible "My Emotions" Tool Kit that can be used in so many ways. Here are just a few ideas:
The Interactive Emotions Posters are designed to be displayed in a "Cool Down" Area or other break area where students can interact with them, by matching pieces to posters, and pulling off pieces to use on the "I Feel," Card. They can also be used on Interactive Bulletin Boards.
The Desk "I Feel" Card is designed and meant to be kept at the student's desk or work space, to help them identify and communicate emotions.
The Non-Interactive Emotions Posters are meant to be displayed anywhere you feel is appropriate. They reinforce the other visuals in the toolkit.
The Adapted Book is interactive and helps students identify and communicate situations that cause each emotion. The teacher or therapist reads the book as the students follow along and match a piece to each page.
Sample text included:
"Sometimes I feel happy.
When do you feel happy?
Sometimes I feel sad.
When do you feel sad?
Sometimes I feel angry.
When do you feel angry?"
There is also a portable/personal "I Feel" Card that students can carry with them across multiple settings in the school and/or community.
If your students benefit from activities using real photos, there are many more in my collection. You can find them at the links below:
For more hands-on emotions or social skills activities, please see the links below: