These Halloween Counting File Folder Games are perfect for a Halloween theme and students who need lots of practice with basic counting. Students will look at a fall themed picture, count the objects and match the pictures to the correct numbers. These activities, independent work stations and small groups.
This set includes 6 different Halloween themed file folder games at two different levels for differentiation for a total of 12 file folder games. Students can practice counting the pictures and matching them to the numbers in order or out of order.
File Folder Games Included:
Count The Candy Corn (2 games)
Count The Windows (2 games)
Count The Potions (2 games)
Count The Ghosts (2 games)
Count The Pictures (2 games)
Count The Monster's Teeth (2 games)
For more hands-on file folder games, or hands-on Halloween themed activities, please see the links below:
Hands-On File Folder Games
Hands-On Halloween Activities