Students will have so much fun practicing their tracing skills with these THANKSGIVING TRACING ACTIVITIES. These super-fun fine motor activities require almost no prep and are sure to keep your fine motor center FUN and ENGAGING all Thanksgiving season long.
Simply print, laminate and provide your students with dry erase markers to keep those little hands, busy tracing and drawing. Students will complete each THANKSGIVING themed picture by tracing the dashed lines.
These pages can also be used as trace and color activities and students can trace and color the pictures with crayons or markers.
This download includes 10 different tracing pages or Thanksgiving themed pictures.
These activities work well in centers, morning tubs, independent work stations, task boxes and more!
For more hands-on fine motor activities, please see the link below:
More Fun Fine Motor Activities
For more hands-on apples, pumpkins, fall or Thanksgiving themed activities, please see the links below.
Apple Themed Activities
Hands-On Pumpkin Activities
More Hands-On Fall Activities