These Summer Activities, "Hey Riddle Riddle" Sensory Bin Riddles are going to be so much fun during the summer season or as a supplement to summer themed units. This set focuses on language skills, making inferences, identifying summer themed vocabulary and matching a word to a picture.
Students will read or listen to a riddle, find summer themed object or word in the sensory bin that matches the description.
Riddle Example:
"When summer is hot--
and we need to get cool.
We put on our swimsuits--
and jump in the ____!" (pool)
There are so many ways to use this little set. (See pictures for details.) I hope your students have fun with it.
For more hands-on spring or summer, ocean themed activities, please see the following links:
Hands-On Spring Activities
Hands-On Summer Activities
Hands-On Ocean Activities