This WINTER ADAPTED BOOK, "I Spy Winter Adjectives" focuses on adjectives and synonyms that we may use in the winter season, and making inferences. This adapted book has a fun "I spy" riddle format that students just love.
In this activity, a teacher or therapist reads the "I spy" riddle to students, as students follow along and find the correct answer piece for each page.
Sample Text:
I spy with my little eye someone that is freezing.
He is very....
(Students find the answer piece.)
Answer: cold (boy shivering)
I spy with my little eye something that is empty.
It is very....
(Students find the answer piece.)
Answer: bare (leafless snowy tree)
After students have finished the book, they can practice matching the winter themed adjectives/synonyms, with the included puzzles.
If your students enjoy adapted books, there are many more in collection. You can find the complete collection below:
Complete Adapted Books Collection
For more hands-on winter or snowman activities, please see the links below:
Hands-On Winter Activities
Hands-On Snowman Activities