The Hands-On Math Clip and Flip Books Bundle is packed full of math clip and flip books for your math centers and work stations.
This bundle includes 15 clip and flip books that focus on basic math skills including:
Identifying Coins
Identifying the Value of Coins
Identifying 2-D Shapes
Identifying 3-D Shapes
Count the Frogs (Counting to 20)
Count the Socks (Counting to 20)
Complete the Patterns
Which One Has More? (Count and Compare)
Which One Has Less? (Count and Compare)
Which Number Comes Before? (Completing a Number Sequence)
Which Number Comes Next? (Completing a Number Sequence)
How Many In All (Simple Addition)
How Many Are Left (Simple Subtraction)
What's 1 More? (Adding One)
What's 1 Less? (Taking One Away)
Use these clip and flip books in math centers and independent work stations to provide students extra practice! Students read the problem, clip their answers and flip to the next page!
For more hands-on Math activities, please see the link below: