These Easter Wh-Questions w/Real Photos come with 20 unique Wh- question cards that focus on sentence and/picture comprehension, using real Easter themed photos.
In a small group, literacy center or independent workstation, students answer the question on each card, by looking at 3 photo choices, and choosing the photo that correctly answers the question. Students may point to their answers, clip their answers or circle their answers with a dry erase marker.
Some questions included are:
1. Which one hops?
2. Who is wearing yellow?
3. Which basket is full?
4. Which eggs do we eat?
5. What do we put our eggs in?
6. Which one hatched from an egg?
If your students benefit from activities that use real photos, there are many more in my collection. Please see the following links:
For more great, hands-on Easter, bunny or spring themed activities, please follow the links here: