The"When Monsters Go to School," back to school behavior book teaches students about appropriate classroom behavior in a fun and silly way. The story compares how monsters behave at school to how students behave at school.
I have finally updated this book! For several years, I have had requests for adapted pieces. Those are now included (Yay!). I have also added two new sorting mats that go with the sorting activity that is included. Sample Story Text: "When monsters go to school, they break every rule. They scream and yell inside, Hold up their books and hide-- Daydream with open eyes-- Chomp all their school supplies..." Although I wrote this book a few years ago and have been sharing it for a while, I have just fully updated it with new clip art and " Don't Be a Monster..."classroom posters, and "ways to be a good student," pages. The classroom posters can be used to review appropriate behavior after you have read the story or you can post them around the room to serve as a great visual reminder. For more hands-on resources that focus on social and emotional development and/ or classroom behavior, please see the following links: More Emotions Resources More Behavior Resources For more, hands-on Monster or Back to School Activities, please see the following links: Hands-On Monster Activities Hands-On Back to School Activities I just love this little book and hope ya'll do too. -NatalieSchedule