Social Stories

This folder story is a social narrative or social story that targets the behavior of raising a hand appropriately in class. Use this folder story with students who have difficulty with waiting their turn to talk. For more hands-on activities for... more info
This folder story is a social story that targets the behavior of completing work appropriately. Use this folder story with students who have difficulty with staying on task. For more hands-on activities for students with Autism or other visual... more info
This folder story is a social story that targets the behavior of listening to the teacher. Use this folder story with students who have difficulty listening while the teacher is teaching. For more hands-on activities for students with Autism or... more info
This folder story is a social story or social narrative that targets appropriately greeting people. Use this folder story with students who have difficulty with this behavior. For more hands-on activities for students with Autism or other visual... more info
This folder story is a social story or social narrative that targets appropriate bus behavior. Use this folder story with students who have difficulty behaving appropriately on the school bus. For more hands-on activities for students with Autism... more info
This folder story is a social narrative or social story that targets saying "Thank you." Use this folder story with students who have difficulty knowing when to say thank you, or difficulty remembering to say thank you. For more hands-on... more info
This folder story is a social narrative or social story that focuses on appropriate behavior while having a substitute teacher.. Use this folder story with students who have difficulty when the teacher is away. For more hands-on activities for... more info
This folder story is a social story that targets the behavior of hand washing. Use this folder story with students who have difficulty knowing when they should wash their hands. more info

This folder story is a social story that targets the situation of trying new foods. Use this folder story with students who experience anxiety, or have difficulty with trying new foods. more info

This folder story is a social story that targets the situation of looking at people when they talk. Use this folder story with students who have difficulty making eye contact or looking at people when they are talking to them. more info