The Hand Washing Song and Classroom Poster is a fun way to help students establish good hygiene habits. The song is sung in the style of "Military Cadence," so there is an echo pattern to it. It is sung like this:
(Teacher) "I don't know but I've been told."
(Students) "I don't know but I've been told."
(Teacher) "A bathroom's full of germs and mold!"
(Students) "A bathroom's full of germs and mold!"
(Teacher) "Wash our--"
(Students) "Wash our--"
(Teacher) "Ha-aands."
(Students) "Ha-aands."
(All) "Rub them. Scrub them. Rub them. Scrub them."
(All Yell) "USE SOAP!!"
Sing the song with students before a class restroom break or other appropriate time.